Garden Design and Plant Maintenance
Envision the Garden of your dreams and Van Buren Landscape will create it for you. If you want a waterfall or pond, raised planter or formal beds we have the experience, tools and knowledge to create it for you. Interactive gardens are a natural off-shoot of the outdoor living space. According to the American Public Power Association, landscaping can reduce a home's air conditioning costs by up to 50%, by shading the windows and walls of a residence.
The Garden throughout history has been a place of refuge from the burdens of life. A garden is meant to compliment the home it surrounds as well as the homeowner. At Van Buren Landscape we take pride in developing garden landscapes that delight and excite the viewer and allow them to interact with their plants in numerous ways. If you have a special spot, a troublesome spot or think you have no spot at all for a garden, give our designers a call. We are very adept at transforming a wilderness into a wonderland. We have all the components needed to change the appearance of your home and yard into a place of beauty and peace. Don’t worry about your brown thumb, VBL has Gardeners who can make sure that all your plants remain healthy and blooming.